Coupons are a great way to package promotional discounts for your marketing efforts. Use them to encourage registrations with promotions such as:
Early Bird coupons: Discount for athletes who sign-up early in your registration period.
Coupons for a specific group: Discount that covers the entire price of admission but only sharing with specific people to whom you'd like to give free admission.
To create coupons:
In the Dashboard, click on Manage on the relevant competition.
In the menu on the left, select Advanced > Coupons.
Click Add Coupon.
This will open the coupon editor. You can enter the details of your coupon, such as:
Coupon Code: The code that users will need to enter at checkout to receive the discount.
Discount: How much the discount will be, and whether it is a percentage off or a specific amount off.
Number Available: How many coupons can be redeemed. Once this limit is hit, users will no longer be able to redeem the coupon.
Expiration: The date when the coupon expires. Past this date, users will no longer be able to redeem the coupon.
Divisions: You can select what division(s) you want this discount code to be applicable for. You can use division-targeted coupons to promote your competition to particular groups of athletes, for instance, Women Rx.
Click Add button.