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Organizer Help Center
If you're an organizer setting up registration + scoring for a competition, start here.
Previewing and rotating leaderboards
Set workout scoring policies
Adjust division registration caps
Athletes are unable to register for a published competition
Creating volunteer divisions
Contacting registered athletes
Finding athlete shirt sizes
Collecting shirt sizes from athletes
Delete a registered athlete and refund the money
Change athlete entered scores
Change organizer email address
Set competition location
Duplicate a competition
Set up "early bird" registration price
Add athletes to the leaderboard
Set registration prices
Allow score entry without organizer login
Viewing competition metrics
Add coupons to a competition
Choosing your scoring policies
Changing the competition name
Theming: Customize your competition colors
Create a competition
Collecting Donations
Create an online qualifier
Creating workouts
Creating divisions
Modify existing divisions
Customize my competition landing page
Add custom fields to registration form
Import athletes into your competition
Find and copy public link to my competition
Connect my competition to an existing Stripe account
Connect my competition to a new Stripe account
Opt-out of Stripe
Stripe is unavailable in my country
Selling merchandise
Selling Spectator Tickets
Scoring-Only Competition Setup
How do I remove custom fields?
How to add a Facebook Tracking Pixel to your Competition
How do teams submit scores for an online competition?
Sharing scoring links with your staff
How do I set up online score submission for teams?
How do I remove an athlete from the competition?
Setup open/close periods for online score submission
Setup open/close period of registration
Refund an athlete
Restricting athlete registration updates
Athlete payment declined
Enter scores for athletes
View/Change athlete information
Change an athlete's division
Update athlete leaderboard name
Preview and publish leaderboards
Exporting athlete registration information
Process multiple refunds
Add funds to Stripe
How spectator tickets work
How to publish the leaderboard
How do I set up mixed-division heats in the schedule?
How do I enter scores if I'm using the heat scheduler?
Can I update the schedule for an athlete who missed their heat?
Can I publish my schedule without revealing the details of workouts?
Why won't my schedule publish?
How do I know how many judges I need?
How do I print scorecard labels?
How do I print my heat sheets?
How do athletes and spectators view my schedule?
How do I send my heat sheets to staff who need it?
How do I manually swap athletes?
Can I remove an athlete from the schedule who has withdrawn?
How do I re-seed my heats using the leaderboard?
How do I seed my heats?
How do I create a break period on the schedule?
How do I add extra transition time?
How do I add transition time between heats?
How do I change the time parameters of a workout?
How do I manage the number of lanes for each workout?
How do I add additional days to my multi-day competition?
How do I manage competition floors for my schedule?
Heat Scheduling 101: Why?
How do I change the start time of a workout?